special needs


Adjusting Dreams with Kids with Special Needs: 4 Tips to Help Them

  This past spring we attended a high school graduation for the first time as parents of a graduate. During the ceremony, we were inundated with numbers. Ninety percent of the 470 graduates were ...


Get Kids To Sit In A Chair With Leg Fidgets

  It’s been a long time since we have reviewed a fidget, and truthfully, we haven’t tried anything new in a while until recently. We have a couple kiddos (foster and adoptive) in our ...

Fidget Spinners – True Fidgets or Simply Toys

Fidget spinners have become the desire of kids of all ages across the United States, inundating checkout lanes and mall kiosks. Having started as a simple contraption, they are now being sold in light...


The Diagnosis Dilemma: 4 Purposes for Diagnosing a Child

Experience Morph’s One’s Ideology Experience morphs one’s ideology. This is so true in parenting. We come to parenthood with all types of ideas and theories. We plan to parent certai...


The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook

From the Cover of The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide to the Gluten-free, Casein-free Diet by Pamela Compart and Dana Laake: “Simple, delicious, and fun recipes that ...

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