Studies and professionals will tell you that kids from traumatic backgrounds do best with routine. Therefore, when holidays approach and threaten to throw that routine off balance, undesirable behavio...
This is Part 5 and the final installment of this series on surviving holidays as a foster or adoptive family. This is where we bring it all together with FIVE tips. 5 Tips for Managing Emotions Durin...
Honoring Feelings (Note: This blog is directed more towards the kids and may make a good read as a family.) Even though we have our traditions and spend time with each other connecting, big days are s...
The last few months have flown by, and I cannot believe the holiday season is upon us! The holidays can be an extremely challenging time for foster and adoptive families. Not only do we get out...
This chapter is entitled The Mirror of Erised, a mirror which Harry encounters while wandering the castle when he was supposed to have been in bed. He looks into the mirror and sees his parents in the...