A Guide to Magical Creatures Around Your Home

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Discover a world that exists within our own world A Guide to Magical Creatures Around Your Home. Whether you choose to learn about these creatures through our playful engagement activity book or through our chapter book… or both, any fun-loving family is going to connect discovering more about this world.

What could be even more magical?! Our world allows foster and adoptive children to read about characters they can identify with and our activity book provides parents ways to help children process behaviors induced by trauma and adverse childhood experiences.

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Gruhit’s Hope
A Guide to Magical Creatures Around Your Home

Gruhit Brown’s life is a whirlwind of events. He and his two older siblings don’t currently live with their mom and have just moved into their eighth foster home. As if there wasn’t enough on his plate with getting used to the routine in his new foster parents’ big blue house, Gruhit also has to navigate a new school complete with a class bully and other children who don’t have the same color of skin as him. Will he ever really feel safe and comfortable in this new town? Why does the abandoned factory across the street freak him out? Why do his foster parents act so strange at times? Are their bedtime stories about magical creatures true? Why does the family cat look at him so oddly? Nevermind that… Did he hear the cat talk?! 

[Paperback] [Ebook]
[Kindle Audiobook] [iTunes Audiobook]


Children from traumatic backgrounds (including foster and adoptive children) have often been asked to give up pretend, play, and childhood in order to survive in an adult world. This is unfortunate as we tend to learn crucial lessons about the world and ourselves within the confines of childhood play. While children might be removed from the cause of chronic trauma, the concept of play will not come naturally for them. This book (along with the complimentary parent activity guide) will help you and your child to discover a world of pretend where your child can also conquer issues in relationship.

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