Brain Integration Therapy Manual – Review



Transfiguring Adoption awarded this book 4 Hoots out of 5 based on how useful it will be for a foster/adoptive family. [Learn more about our Hoot grading system here]

What I Thought:

The target audience for this book is any parent of a child with learning difficulties. The front cover states, “Brain Integration Therapy brings solutions to the most common problems that bright, yet struggling learners have, including: hearing and understanding; eye tracking problems; slow, labored reading; poor memory; dyslexia; and laborious writing.”


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Written by
Margie Fink: Development Director [email protected] Margie received her degree in psychology and has worked in various social work capacities. Margie has been chosen in the past to speak on Capitol Hill about the Refundable Adoption Tax Credit. She is a witty foster/adoptive mom who is able to give kids from hard places loving structure while providing unbelievable homemade cooking. Margie co-founded Community Kids, a resource and networking 501(c)3 created to assist foster, adoptive, and relative caregiver families. Check Out: Thoughts From A Foster-Adoptive Mom

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