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Vacationing With Special Needs Kids (The LIVE online Workshop)

- Description
November 1 & 2, 2021
12:00pm EST; 60 minute sessions
- 4 LIVE online module courses (Recordings of modules available to view up to 7 days after the workshop)
- Digital workbook
- Certificate of completion (upon request)
- "How to Pack," cheat sheet
- BONUS modules: "Successful Universal Studios, Orlando Vacations," and "Successful LEGOland, Orlando Vacations."
During this workshop participants will be empowered how to create fun-loving memories with their families while avoiding the pitfalls that cause hellacious vacations. Plus, during this LIVE workshop members will be given tips and suggestions for how to specifically tackle two of the leading theme park destinations in the United States, Universal Studios, and LEGOland in Orlando, Florida.
Throughout the course involved persons will learn why "traditional" vacationing strategies do not work for families coping with special needs. Participants will discover invaluable ways to properly prepare themselves for a successful vacation time. Members will then be empowered with dynamic ways to prepare children for a vacation full of fond memories. Since the workshop is being executed by instructors with over ten years experience taking children from traumatic backgrounds to amusement parks, viewers will be able to learn their hacks for enjoying amusement parks.
This LIVE online workshop will be completed through an online ZOOM meetings, which will be recorded and posted to a private Facebook group page. Can't attend all the session live?! Member may watch modules they missed or would like to review up to seven days after the workshop in the Facebook group page.
Questions? [email protected]