
Reverie – Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide:

Chapter 1

  1. Have you ever found yourself wanting to relive a moment? Why?
    Caregiver Note: The book opens with Kane (the perceived main character) walking around the site of a horrific accident that took place roughly 5 days prior. He doesn’t remember much about the incident and is trying to gain as much knowledge before a meeting with the police. This is a great way to get your reader thinking about their past. Most of us never want to rehash a bad moment in our lives, but the good ones are always fair game. Maybe a memory of a family vacation or some great sporting event. When your reader answers this question, dig a little deeper and find out more about their event and why they want to check it out again.
  2. Do you have a younger sibling or friend that seems to be more mature than you?
    Caregiver Note: Kane’s sister Sophia is attempting to get Kane to the police station on time while he is investigating the scene of the accident. She seems collected, facts driven, and trying her best to help her older brother with this situation. Her depth of knowledge and maturity is intimidating to Kane and others. We all know that girls mature faster than boys and that can be frustrating at times for male readers. Some of our readers may also be stunted due to trauma and their mental age may not reflect their biological age. Trauma can force readers to grow up to fast or stunt emotional/mental growth. Both situations are equally frustrating, but as the caregiver you must be completely aware of your reader’s limits and your expectations. Try to forget all the “social norms” that you know and celebrate little victories. Your 16-year-old may not be ready to drive a car, but he did dress himself and make his own semi-healthy breakfast. Progress is progress!
  3. What did Kane do? Have you ever forgotten how a major event happened?
    Caregiver Note: Kane crashed a car into a historic mill on private property. He destroyed the historic mill and has absolutely no memory of the incident or the reasons behind the action. All he knows is that he was found in the river unconscious with burns and abrasions from the crash by the police. This question could be a minefield for you. Our readers have all experienced traumatic events in their lives and they may have blocked them out of their memory completely. Younger siblings may not have any memory of a situation and only know facts passed down by siblings that may or may not be truthful. Forgetting major events or experiencing amnesia can be scary and something that no one would like to experience. As a caregiver, try to ask questions and help your readers, but also know when to back off.

Chapter 2

  1. What do you do when you are nervous?
    Caregiver Note: Kane was picked up at the scene of the original crime and brought to the police station for questioning. He is placed in the softer interrogation room and told to wait because the police couldn’t ask him any questions until his parents arrived. In the meantime, Kane is pretending to read The Witches by Roland Dahl to pass time and try to take his mind off the impending questions. Everyone has a fidget or habit to stave off nervousness. Sometimes it is tapping a toe, shaking a leg, cracking knuckles, humming or pacing. If your reader is having trouble thinking of something, ask them “how are you feeling when you do ____?” This can help them nail down an emotion and the action they associate with it and it will give you a bit more insight into their brain!
  2. Has anyone ever assumed how you feel and been totally wrong?
    Caregiver Note: The Police assumed that Kane was trying to harm himself when his car crashed into the Mill. Kane doesn’t have many friends; he is standoffish and is gay. These things lead to assumptions of depression and self-harm. Kane is adamant that the motivation behind the accident wasn’t to harm himself. He doesn’t refute his sexual preference and isn’t lonely, but not entirely friendly. The fact that he has no idea why he crashed his car leads the police to two conclusions: Kane was suicidal or crazy. Foster and adopt readers can relate to being misjudged. Once a “normal” person finds out they were adopted or are in foster care they are immediately treated as broken. When they normally have no control over their situation and are just doing their best to fit in. From my experience therefore many foster/adopt readers choose to limit this information to the general public. It is safer and they have a chance to influence people on their own, not with the caveat of being different from the start.  As a caregiver, give your readers the chance to divulge this information as they see fit and have a conversation with them about how they want to handle their story, so you don’t overshare.
  3. Is there a person in your life who can see through you?
    Caregiver Note: Kane meets the complex Dr. Poesy who has been brought in to do an evaluation of him. Dr. Poesy is enigmatic, well spoken, and odd in all the same ways that Kane is. He also seems to have a different way of seeing Kane. He is someone who demands attention but could also be a strong ally. Our readers believe that they are mysterious and stealthy and get really weirded out when you can read them or telegraph their thoughts. They forget that we were once teenagers and experienced similar thoughts ourselves! This whole process can be unnerving for a teenager and immediately can put their guard up. If you are this person for you reader remember to take your time and understand the guard is only up for protection not to really keep you out.
  4. When was the last time you were caught off guard?
    Caregiver Note: While speaking with Dr. Poesy Kane learns about Maxine Osman, a local painter, who perished in the accident he caused. Now Kane’s situation went from bad to worse, but it appears that the police and Kane’s parents have no information about this discovery and Dr. Poesy is asking for Kane’s help to solve the murder! Talk about doing a complete 180! Now I know many of our readers and us haven’t been exactly in this predicament, but being caught off guard is a very relatable feeling. My readers go into many situations expecting the worst and when something good happens it is a big surprise. Kane might have felt this way. His situation went from bad to horribly worse to possibly better in the matter of a minute or two. Ask your reader what emotions they felt the last time they were caught off guard and maybe what emotions Kane might have felt at this moment in the story.

Chapter 3

  1. What is the weirdest thing you have ever investigated?
    Caregiver Note: Kane is given a chance at freedom by helping Dr. Poesy solve the murder of Maxine Osman. If he complies and doesn’t lie Dr. Poesy will help him figure out what happened the night of his accident. We all have investigated things from time to time. Maybe it was the case of the missing sock or the empty milk carton in the fridge. Maybe it was a topic for a school report or to find out if the boy/girl really liked you. Investigations are fun and exciting but can be weird too. This one could be a throw away fun question to break the ice or might lead to a nugget of knowledge about your reader. If you have a burgeoning sleuth on your hands you might be able to pique their interest with other activities!
  2. Do you have a spot you can go to “think” by yourself?
    Caregiver Note: After leaving the police station Kane elects to walk home using a path that is near the river but secluded enough that he won’t be bothered by his family or any other onlookers. Our readers often need more time to process different events than other readers their age. This is primarily because trauma has changed their brains and it can take longer to comprehend a topic. It is a great idea to have a safety plan in place for your reader that if they need more time they can elect to go to their safe area. As the caregiver, you can set time limits and expectations that the topic will be discussed when they come back to the conversation. This process can be helpful in building trust and it also gives your reader processing time in a safe area without emotional outbursts and anger towards others.

Chapter 4

  1. What do you do to escape the real world?
    Caregiver Note: Kane’s is trying to decipher what Ursula told him. He is supposed to find some sort of treasure chest, but he has no idea what that means. While looking through his things he has a strong urge to grab a well-worn novel and dive into a book. Reading seems to be his escape when life gets a little rough. Everyone has an escape hatch, but as a caregiver you need to be aware of your reader’s method. This way they don’t get stuck in their make-believe world and you can intervene or inquire if you see them “stuck” in the escape.
  2. Have you ever lost a memory?
    Caregiver Note: As Kane is rummaging through things in his room, he finds the treasure chest! In the chest is a picture of him and Ursula with his fish. Kane can’t remember how he got the fish or being anything other than an acquaintance with Ursula, so this picture is a revelation. Now Kane must dig deeper in order to find out more about himself. Trauma does weird things to our memory, it can affect short term memory for your whole life, but also can warp memories in order to shield ourselves from more felt trauma. It would not be uncommon for a foster/adopt child to admit to losing memories. Some memories are better lost in their eyes. Tread with caution when inquiring deeper with this question. Don’t prod too much or your reader might shut down, but also don’t breeze over the topic either. Readers dealing with trauma and loss are like archeological sites. Which means the exterior is brushed away slowly inch by inch until a new discovery is made. Take the time to unpackage each “discovery” before moving on to the next.

Chapter 5

  1. Is there something about you that everyone knew about you before you did?
    Caregiver Note: If you were unaware Kane is out as a gay teenager. His mannerisms and interests outed him well before he was even aware that he was gay, and he was treated differently due to this in elementary school. Foster/adopt readers tend to be more aloof to the real world than other readers their age. They may not understand why they don’t like the same things as their peers or that they relate more to kids 2-3 years younger than them. This can also relate to things like athletics, aspirations of college, or career paths. Our job as a caregiver would be to have the hard conversation that a certain career or post high-school dream might not be the right one for them. It could also mean that we foster an environment of love and acceptance if your reader is trying to discover their identity.
  2. Who in your life could you trust to fill in the gaps of your memory if you had amnesia?
    Caregiver Note: Kane is still trying to fill in gaps in his memory and it appears that Ursula might be the one that can shed the light into the dark situation that is his memory. Kane is hesitant to believe Ursula, but also understands he needs her help. Our readers may have selective amnesia around events they don’t want to remember or ones that happened when they were too young to understand. In many of these times they turn to siblings or other family that was present. If your reader is foster/adopt and has no siblings with them it can be a pretty dark place to be in. As caregivers we must search out information and be the light to our children as often as we can. The pain point is knowing how much and what you should share with them. For foster placements, reunification is always the goal so you must take emotions out of your knowledge. For adopted readers, you don’t want to paint their birth parents negatively all the time. There are many resources and parent groups that can help you in these situations. Find local groups via social media and resources with your agency.
  3. What do you think Ursula is hiding from Kane?
    Caregiver Note: Kane is hesitant to believe anyone right now but needs more information if he is going to be able to clear his name and help Dr. Poesy. This question is just meant to spark your readers imagination. This book lives in a fantasy realm and I find that it is great to push our readers in order to help them buy into a story. A great idea is to have them jot down a couple of notes or predictions and then check back to see if they were right. This will not only give them confidence, but also help improve critical thinking skills!

Chapter 6

  1. What is one subject you dread at school?
    Caregiver Note: Kane must finish out his day with gym, which is his least favorite of all his classes. It is also square dance day which brings its own level of scrutiny to the only gay kid in the class. I would bet that everyone has at least one subject you despised in school. As a caregiver, this question gives you a bonding moment with your reader! Maybe you both hate science or they love English, you hated it. This is another way to relate to your reader and remind them that you weren’t always mom and dad.
  2. Who are “the Others” and how do they know Kane?
    Caregiver Note: While sneaking up on Ursula, Kane discovers that a group of students are meeting in the boiler room to talk about him. Ursula, Elliot (a jock), and Adeline (uber-popular “queen bee”) are stuck in a tense conversation on how to deal with Kane and keep bringing up Reveries. It appears that Kane was once a part of this group and may have been the leader but is now lost partly due to actions of the remaining members. Ask your reader how they might react if they found three people talking about them that were supposed to be their friends. This might get a response, but in general this question is just to help introduce this group and get them into the story.
  3. What do you think a reverie is?
    Caregiver Note: To this point we still do not know what a Reverie is! Nearly 1/4 into the book and we are still speculating what the title means. Common knowledge leads me to believe that reveries are dream like states, but other than that I am completely in the dark too. This is another moment that your reader can write down to check later. Luckily for us all this question will be answered in two short chapters!

Chapter 7

  1. What do you think about the quote, “when people tell stories of the dead, they create life in reverse”?
    Caregiver Note: This chapter flies by and except for a fight scene near the end there isn’t much else to really dive into. This quote made me think about our readers though. The explanation in the book is that your stories create a life of their own and now those stories are now the facts about that person. This is so true for our foster/adopt readers, but not always about people. Our readers can spin a story the right way that they believe their version is gospel and not consider anyone else’s point of view. This happens in my family with my youngest son. His older brothers share stories of their past home or the life they had with bio-parents and my youngest now takes those stories as facts and true events. However, 50% of the stories he heard were not true and his view of important people in his early years was skewed. As caregivers we must fight our battles and allow our readers to learn, but also try to correct gross inaccuracies that can cause harm in the future.

Chapter 8

  1. Have you ever felt like the universe owes you something?
    Caregiver Note: Kane finds out that he has superpowers! He doesn’t understand them and isn’t sure where they came from, but they are there. Kane feels vindicated for having to live his life as an awkward gay teenager that has had life dumped on him so many times. Considering the lot in life many of our readers have had to deal with, getting superpowers would be a great pay off. Think of the abuse, neglect, trauma, loss and pain they had to endure and now imagine them getting to fly because of it all. While it may not make up for everything it would be a great consolation prize. If your reader agrees they are owed something by a cosmic force, ask them what prize they would like to receive.
  2. Do you have a trick to wake you up from a dream?
    Caregiver Note: The world has now turned upside down. Weird creatures are all over and the landscape of the school has changed. Kane believes he is in a dream and he can not get out! He tried biting, pinching, holding his breath, and even tried to pee! Nothing worked and he is stuck in the dream-like state until it ends apparently. We all dream and that means we all have nightmares. If you have a trick to get out of a dream or nightmare it would be great to share it, but also give your reader the first crack at coming up with an idea first. I am not in favor of trying to pee, but if it is the last resort, I would probably try it.

Chapter 9

  1. What are Reveries?
    Caregiver Note: Reveries are when a person’s imagined reality becomes real. Like a dream, but these sequences follow their own set of rules and plot. Only certain people know they are in a reverie, the other players become part of the plot and play their role. Ask your reader if they would prefer to be an “Other” (one who knows they are in a reverie and works to unravel it) or character in the story. The characters are normal people that have no idea they are a part of the mystical world.
  2. Why is following your role in a reverie important? What is a Plot Twist?
    Caregiver Note: (These questions will allow your reader to explain part of the story to you. This will help them build confidence, because they must teach you, and hopefully improve their recall ability too.) Following the plot in a reverie is very important! If you try to make the character self-aware of their situation or you go against your primary role you will trigger a plot twist. Plot twists are wild cards the reverie makes up to explain you detouring from the story. It is easier to allow the story to play out while slightly influencing it to the direction you wish it to go.
  3. What part do you think Dean will play in the story?
    Caregiver Note: Dean is a mysterious character that you don’t really know much about at this time. We do know that Kane originally told the others to stay away from him because he must have some crazy skeletons in his closet, but he also is the one that saves Kane in the reverie. Dean reminds Kane that the others must not know he helped for his safety but fails to give any more information. Time to spark the imagination of your reader and see if they can guess Dean’s role in the story!

Chapter 10

  1. Could you sit back and watch a reverie play out or would you insist on being a part of the narrative?
    Caregiver Note: We now know that reveries are dream-like sequences that play out in real life and certain people like Kane and the Others are aware of the mystical realms they find themselves in, while the rest of the players are in a trance-like stupor and play along until the plot is finished. A third type of character is also in play. These fill in characters are created by the reverie and the best way to tell them apart is that their eyes are cloudy and white. I would think that most foster/adopt readers would prefer to be awake during a reverie because giving up control and being a drone wouldn’t be something they would like. Our readers love control and order. They thrive when they have a clear expectation and they know every loophole available. While others would prefer to be in the background and unseen. Your reader’s choice will say a lot about them and should give you a great insight into their mindset. Are they going to lead the charge or fine with being in the pack?

Chapter 11

  1. What is Kane’s main job within a reverie? How would you do something that you don’t remember?
    Caregiver Note: Kane’s primary responsibility is to unravel the reverie. The readers (and Kane) are unsure how this process looks and don’t even know the first step to take to accomplish the goal. Due to trauma, our readers can forget some of the most basic tasks that we take for granted. They may forget how to properly bath themselves or when to eat meals. Some foster/adopt readers came from a situation that was so dysregulated that they didn’t know they were supposed to eat 3 meals a day and coming into a “normal” home can be a huge struggle for them. As a caregiver, it takes repetition and constant reminders to reteach basic habits. It can be exhausting and overwhelming to go through the same things over and over, but it is very important. Hopefully the second question is easily answered with “ask for help”, but this is not normally the first response for our readers. With our help it can become a habit to ask for help when you need it again.
  2. How are you like a reverie?
    Caregiver Note: This might take a little prompting on your part but first let me explain a little more about the reverie. Kane now understands more about his role and task to unravel the reverie after being helped by Adeline. Kane realizes that the reveries twist and turns are not caused by anger, but by fear. The reverie is afraid that it will be unraveled and all it wants is to be accepted and viewed as real. Therefore, it fights back so hard and is intent on killing those that can unravel it. Our readers manifest many emotions, but most of them come from a place of fear. Fear of not being loved or accepted, fear of the unknown, fear of missing out, fear of loss, and the fear of being themselves to name a few. These fears can present themselves as anger, depression, physical violence, and many other emotional and physical responses. Living in these perpetual fears, caused by trauma, can trigger a constant fight or flight response that is hard to come back from. As caregivers we can unravel these fears with consistency and stability. These unraveling’s take time and great amounts of energy, but they can be done!

Chapter 12

  1. What is the final step of unraveling a reverie? Is it the right thing to do?
    Caregiver Note: Kane saved the day and is now back in the real world. He finds himself surrounded by confused football players, cheerleaders and pep band members as well as Adeline and Ursula. Adeline tells Kane he has one more step to finish and he sees a small crystal hanging in the air near him. Kane releases the gem and it floats over to a football player absorbing back into his conscience. There is a moral question here. The reverie is a subconscious reality of a person and this one was quite dark. Pay close attention to your readers’ response to the second question and make sure to ask why. The easy answer would be to say yes because it is his memory, but challenge if the person would be better if he didn’t have that memory to begin with. The other side would be to say no because of the deviant nature of the memory, but then again are you taking more away from the person by keeping a part of their subconscious from them.
  2. Who would you trust to unravel reveries with you?
    Caregiver Note: Since Kane, Ursula, Elliot, and Adeline are the only ones to stay coherent during reveries they are the ones best suited to unravel them as a team. Each person has their part to play, and we can unpack those parts once we learn more about them, but ask your reader who they’d pick to work with. Keep this list handy so we can assign tasks to them when we learn more about abilities and jobs! Also keep these three names close because this would be your reader’s inner circle. It can come in handy to know your readers social trajectory and a plus if they can name 3 friends worthy of this complicated task!
  3. What abilities does each member possess and what one would you like?
    Caregiver Note: When the reveries started each member developed special skills and each one gained significant speed and strength. Elliot can bend perception and create illusions; his job is to hide the reveries from the outside world as they progress. Adeline can manipulate the past, specifically with memories. Her job is to make sure people do not remember what they went through. This is very important because if not done correctly more reveries can spawn from the confusion. Ursula is the muscle, while everyone gained speed and strength, she got far more than everyone else. Kane is the leader of the others. He is one pulling the strings and setting the parameters. Leader (Kane), Security (Adeline), Strategy (Elliot), and Soldier (Ursula) these are the four parts of the group. Ask your reader to give themselves an identity and then assign the other 3 members of their group the remaining roles. Take note of each person’s role because this will give you insight on the group’s dynamic and a different way to learn about your reader and their friends.
  4. What happened on the night of Kane’s accident? Would you blame your friends?
    Caregiver Note: Kane had become erratic and was trying to discover the power behind the reveries. On the night in question Kane was unraveling the reverie of Maxine Osman and something went bad and caused a huge explosion at the mill. Acting quickly Ursula threw the car into the mill, Elliot crafted stories to throw off the police and Adeline helped Kane who had unraveled the reverie. To aid in the cover-up Adeline erased Kane’s memory of the past summer and all events leading up to the accident. Kane feels betrayed and his level of mistrust of this group is at an all time high. This results in a huge blow up with Kane attacking the group and running away on his own. Our readers can suffer from a lapse in memory from time to time and this can create some trust issues. They must be reminded about things they said and did which can be frustrating for you, but also for them. Have them put themselves in Kane’s position and see if they would react the same way. If the have

Chapter 13

  1. Tell me about a time you had to explain something that felt impossible.
    Caregiver Note: Kane got home late into the evening after the events with the others to find Sophia waiting up for him. She had covered for his long absence from home by lying to their parents. She doesn’t demand an explanation at the moment but does tell Kane that he must explain himself in the morning or she is going to go to their parents. Now Kane must come clean, but he is grappling with how to explain something so unexplainable. Our readers, like most teenagers, think many things are impossible and to have to explain them to an adult might be the hardest thing ANYONE has ever had to do. The answers you get might be funny in hindsight, but also you can try to unpackage why the topic was impossible as they move forward.
  2. Would you trust Poesy or The Others?
    Caregiver Note: We have learned so much in this chapter! Poesy is not a doctor and very well may be gender fluid meaning that she can sometimes be a he and so on. We also know that Poesy is not from the same existence as Kane and is hunting the source to the reveries too! She refers to this source as the loom and it resembles the crown that was atop Kane’s head the night of his accident. This crown was pried off his head by Adeline and his memories were taken along with it. Now Poesy is convincing Kane that Adeline is the problem and he must confront her to retrieve his memories and obtain the loom for Poesy. The biggest problem awaits Kane: Who to trust? Teenagers have trust issues and it is something that they work through. Teenagers affected by trauma have deeper issues with trust and the process to develop trust takes much longer. When this question is answered make sure you follow up with why. Quickly answering is only a small percentage of the reason we ask these types of questions. The biggest reason is we want to see the gears turn and get a picture of how the reader’s brain works.

Chapter 14

  1. Would you approach the others?
    Caregiver Note: Kane is back at school and encounters each of the others throughout the course of the day. He successfully ignores each member of the group while carrying on like normal the entire day. Our readers can be creatures of emotion and indifference quite frequently. The level of chemicals going through their brains can sometimes shut out anything that might lead to confrontation. Adults do this as well, but most of the time we double back to address the “elephant in the room.” Teens can carry a grudge or let a conflict go unaddressed forever. As caregivers we model how to resolve conflicts and talk them out with our readers frequently. For foster/adopt readers this modeling must be direct and consistent. Think of it as role playing and you must think of every loophole imaginable. If your reader says they wouldn’t have approached the others, ask them why and then ask them how long it would take for them to resolve the conflict.
  2. Have you ever been guilty about something you did? How did you get past the guilt?
    Caregiver Note: Kane understands that in order to start figuring out the events of his accident, he must learn more about Maxine Osman. While doing research, he finds that she was a nice and normal person living with a friend. The guilt is so bad that Kane finds himself being woken up calling Maxine’s phone number. The call is answered by her friend and in her grief, she just asks for Maxine to come home. No one really understands this level of guilt, but we all carry some form of guilt with us. Maybe it was someone else getting in trouble for what you did or possibly someone got hurt due to your actions. Be clear that you are not asking your reader to admit to whatever the issue is. They can if they want too, but this isn’t an inquisition. Books and TV are a great way to help model emotions for readers affected by trauma. They may not be able to describe how they feel, but they can tell you that they felt like Kane did. You can fill in the gap and let them know that the feeling is guilt.

Chapter 15

  1. If Elliot’s theory is correct, what would your power be?
    Caregiver Note: Elliot approaches Kane and is trying to extend an olive branch. He says that before the accident they were working on the cause of their powers. They surmised that the powers were the things they disliked the most about themselves. Elliot loves facts and plans, but his power is illusion and lies, Ursula is non-violent, but now possesses great strength, and Kane is happy being in the background, but he is thrust into leadership. With these examples your reader can maybe think about their flaw or least likeable trait and figure out what their powers might be. It might be something for you to think about too. This way you can start the conversation. Maybe you are like one of the main characters or their opposite.
  2. Are you waiting to learn something that you already know?
    Caregiver Note: As Elliot is leaving his encounter with Kane, he asks for one last favor. He asks that Kane let Ursula off the hook for her part in the deception. She really didn’t want to follow the plan and had to be convinced by Elliot and Adeline. Kane knew this already but was fighting the urge to realize it fully. Sometimes we all need to hear a confirmation before we really believe something to be true. It could be a weird feeling about a person or tough love about yourself. Our friends and family can see the whole picture sometimes and those that we trust to speak truth to us can deliver a blow better than most. It is our job to help soften the truth bomb, but still understand that it is true.
  3. Do you think that entering a reverie is brave or stupid?
    Caregiver Note: Kane knows where the next reverie is going to happen, and he convinces the rest of the others to follow him to the home of Maxine Osman. His friend Helena, lives in the home and when Kane heard her voice, he was certain he could also hear something like the last reverie. We know that reveries are dangerous and can lead to death in some cases, but if not for the lucid the “hero” may not have a chance to survive. Our readers can be overzealous or dangerously cautious. The risk takers would jump in without a second thought and the cautious might also go in but would be careful. Where does your reader fall on the scale? As a caregiver we must first understand our reader tendencies and then educate them to take more risks or be more cautious. Neither is bad in moderation, but you don’t want to be solely in one group.

Chapter 16

  1. When was the last time you had to act? How good were you?
    Caregiver Note: Kane and the others are whisked away into a Victorian summertime scene featuring a wedding and dinner party. Ursula figures out that this reverie is very similar to a popular romance novel and understands how the story should play out. Kane currently is forced to be a mute while taking in his surroundings. To be lucid in a reverie takes quite a high level of acting. Many of our readers can capture all forms of drama, but can they hold their own in a strict storyline. This is a fun question to ponder and one that you may get to have a laugh with the answer.

Chapter 17

  1. How would you react if your sibling got caught up in a reverie?
    Caregiver Note: Sophie is swallowed up in the reverie. Kane now must help unravel this reverie while also trying to keep his sister safe from the danger that the reverie can dish out. Depending on your reader their reaction could range from mild annoyance to losing a limb severity. A mildly annoyed reader may want to save their sibling, but then again, they might not. While the other extreme would lay down anything and everything to get them out without any damage. As caregivers we are aware of the sibling dynamics between our readers and know that they are different for each one. Hopefully your reader will at least make a small effort to save their brother or sister. If not, it might be time for some bonding experiences that will embarrass them both.
  2. When was the last time you were forgiven for something? How did it make you feel?
    Caregiver Note: While playing a role in the reverie, Kane’s character is forgiven by Helena for some past grievance his character had a part in. This act of forgiveness hits Kane hard because he feels responsible for the death of Maxine Osman who was Helena’s partner. Forgiveness is a weird thing. If it is heartfelt and true it can melt a cold heart and mend deep wounds. However, if it is lackluster, forced, or has no feeling it can cause the deep-seated issues to fester further and grow resentment for the other person. Almost everyone has experienced both kinds of “forgiveness” at some point in their lives and understand both feelings.

Chapter 18

  1. Tell me about a time when you assumed something.
    Caregiver Note: The Others all think that Helena’s reverie is a direct play off a popular romance novel. Kane sees past the assumption and sees that she has taken parts of that novel, but she made it her own. We have all assumed things at some point in our lives. As we get older we tend to assume less because we have learned that assumptions are like a 50/50 bet. You will lose just as much as you win. Our readers do not have that same life experience and they also want to do things in the shortest amount of time as possible. One of my readers favorite things to say is I thought… I thought you wouldn’t see that, I thought you knew what I was doing, I thought he called you, I thought it was ok. Each time we have to point out the assumption and remind him that instead of thinking he knows the answer, just ask the question. If you are unsure, ask and then there is no room to assume.
  2. Have you ever felt like everyone is against you?
    Caregiver Note: Helena’s reverie is starting to twist and turn due to the deviations of The Others. She sees every main character come near her as a major betrayal unfolds and she is stricken that her whole “family” is against her. The people she confided in, loved, and protected are all trying to harm her. Our readers may have had this feeling once or twice and it is a common thing. Sometimes life throws you a curveball and it seems like you can never win. Every person you encounter is at odds with you and you can not get a win to save your life. The next question you need to ask is what do you do when this happens. Each reader handles this pressure differently and as caregivers we need to be aware of our readers’ coping skills.

Chapter 19

  1. How do you cope with anger? What works? What doesn’t?
    Caregiver Note: Helena didn’t take the perceived mass betrayal by her entire family well. So she turned loose a small army of creatures to maim or kill the party guests in her reverie to exact her revenge. (Side note: committing bodily harm out of anger is not a good way to cope) We can all agree that this is not the best way to deal with anger. By now your reader should have a couple of coping skills in their back pocket in case something happens. These could be breathing exercises, yoga, meditation or any number of things to help calm their minds. I search 5 minute meditation or yoga videos online frequently to play for my readers. Asking the follow up questions can help you get an idea what helps and what doesn’t so future outbursts will be shorter.
  2. Who builds you up when you feel like giving up?
    Caregiver Note: Kane is at the point of breaking and Ursula finally gets him to snap out of his stupor and wake up to help them not die. A simple yet powerful thing she tells Kane is “No more can’ting!” This is something I will take into my own personal life and share with my family. Too often we get stuck in a rut of I can’t or I’m not good enough. We need someone to snap us back to reality and help us wake up. If your reader doesn’t have a person like this in their life you must take the role until they develop a bond with someone to fill the need. If you don’t have a person like this in your life it is time to be vulnerable and find that help.

Chapter 20

  1. What is your first instinct when you sense danger?
    Caregiver Note: Kane and the Others are in a complex Reverie and they are having a hard time staying on top. Plus, Kane’s sister is somewhere in this realm of imagination and could also be in danger. Most people have 3 major reactions to fear, fight, flight or freeze. Our readers are no different and these are big trauma responses. You may already know your reader’s dominant reaction, but it is always great for them to be self-aware. If they need some guidance, give them the 3 core responses and see how they react. If they choose to fight when they are someone who freezes, ask them to defend their choice. Maybe their version of fighting is to go stoic and refuse to engage in an argument. This can help you help them. If they are aware of their trauma response, they may be able to be in more control when a triggering episode happens.Chapter 21
  1. Can you do something that is effortless, but has a great impact on those around you?

Caregiver Note: In a last-ditch effort Kane wrenches his whistle from Helena and blows it as fiercely as he has even done anything. Suddenly time stopped and the reverie was frozen. The whistle made no noise, but its effect seemed to cause a disturbance to save the others and call in Poesy for assistance. Teenage readers think nearly everything is hard! Even the simplest of tasks can seem like building the pyramids to an average reader. If your reader is having a problem thinking of an action, remind them that a smile is one of the simplest things a person can give to another. It costs nothing, wastes little energy, and does hurt the person doing it, but the impact it can have on another soul can be too big to quantify. Kindness spreads fast and being kind takes little effort in more cases. Simple, easy and to the point is a philosophy we stick to in our home with our readers. Try to challenge them in 30 seconds or less and then wait for their response.

2. What did Poesy do with the reverie? What do you think it means?
Caregiver Note: No deeper meaning to this question, but one you can use to help your reader get talking about the book and maybe think ahead to what’s about to come. Poesy unravels the reverie with the help of his Dreadmare and the whole thing packages itself nicely into a gem that she attaches to a bracelet. The entire reverie including Helena is contained in the small gem that is now placed with other gems just like on Poesy’s wrist. This turn of events brings up a lot of questions. Who is Poesy really? Are the Others in danger? Who are the good guys?

Chapter 22

  1. What do you do when you are stressed?
    Caregiver Note: In the events after Helena’s reverie the Others are doing their best to talk with Kane about the events with Poesy and what to do from here. Kane is a master of ignoring the outside world and continues to live his life hoping they would forget about him. Well they didn’t and to force a conversation Kane is kidnapped and brought to Ursula’s home. He is told to disregard the mess since Ursula bakes when she is stressed. Everyone has their own version of self-care. Some of us read, others play video games, craft, exercise, or just watch TV. Hopefully you know your readers’ primary coping tool, but in the event, this is a surprise, keep track of their response. This will give you a vital tool to understand that things may not be going well for them. If they don’t have a coping mechanism or stress relief outlet, help them try to develop one. It is vital to their emotional success that they learn to de-stress.
  2. How do you respond to something you do not understand?
    Caregiver Note: The Others are peppering Kane with questions about Poesy. Some of the questions are about how he became intertwined with the drag queen sorcerous, while others are questioning Poesy’s overall motives. Adeline is intent on attacking Poesy with insults and hate, possibly out of fear or frustration. The Others can not comprehend Poesy. They do not know her power or nature, so they are either inquisitive or ruthless. I find that humans treat unknowns like this often. Your reader when confronted with an unknown may have a lot of questions because they are unsure of if this thing/place/person is safe or they may attack it right away because they’ve determined that there is a better chance it isn’t safe and they will ask questions later. As caregivers we must help our readers shy away from the latter method and lean on the first. Gather knowledge and use that to determine your next move.

Chapter 23

  1. Tell me about a time you had to tell the truth after you had lied.
    Caregiver Note: Kane is finally cornered by Sophia and forced to tell the truth about his accident. She has now been a part of a reverie and understands them slightly but has a lot more questions. She has figured out that the whole fiasco with Kane accident was a reverie gone wrong and he now must fess up. Owning mistakes is hard for adults. It can be twice as difficult for teens. Not only do you have to admit a lie, but you may get a parental consequence for your trouble. We have all been in this spot and it is a good reminder that telling the truth from the start, even though tough, can be a better option than leading with a lie.
  2. Is there something or someone you would break all the rules for?
    Caregiver Note: Kane finally figures out that if he wants to know more about who he was or who he is he must talk to Dean. Dean seems to hold a secret to unravel this whole façade surrounding Kane. Dean lets slip that Kane was someone who he would “break all the rules for” and he thought he was the same thing for Kane, but he was not. As teenagers we have values and relationships that are vital to us and we would do anything to protect them. If your reader is hesitant to answer this question, rephrase is by asking them if they’ve ever felt the same way as Dean. That might open them up if they can relate to the character in the book.

Chapter 24

  1. Tell me about a time when you had a hunch about someone.
    Caregiver Note: Kane calls an emergency meeting of the Others and he demands answers about Dean’s involvement with their group. He doesn’t remember him being a part of their group, but they would. The group denies Dean’s involvement with the Others, but they thought he had something to do with Kane’s accident. Kane believes that Dean is Poesy’s Dreadmare. Which means he might have something to do with Kane’s accident. Our readers can be very perceptive and often have a strong sense of who is trustworthy and who isn’t. You may have to explain a hunch to them and if so explain it as a feeling specifically about the individual.

Chapter 25

  1. When was the last time you negotiated for something?
    Caregiver Note: The Others are trying to summon Dean (if he is the Dreadmare) to help them find the loom and potentially end the reverie’s once and for all. Adeline insists that they summon Poesy and attempt to negotiate a truce to end this madness.  Our readers can sometimes be the best or the worst negotiators. It depends on the prize they are trying to win, but they often give more than they get in our eyes. Make sure to ask what they had to give up for whatever they got and if the trade was indeed worth it. Remind them that the key to negotiation is to learn their worth and don’t undersell themselves.
  2. Would you dare to enter Poesy’s realm?
    Caregiver Note: After blowing the whistle to summon Poesy a door appears that leads to another reality. The others feel like it is their duty to enter this realm to search for answers. Always follow up these questions with a why or why not. It is important to push your reader to defend their choice with substantial back up thoughts. Not only does it give you insight in their thought pattern, but it also helps them develop their voice and grow their confidence.

Chapter 26

  1. Tell me about a time when you felt like you were being watched.
    Caregiver Note: Kane and the Others are searching through the first room in Poesy’s realm and they come across what appear to be charms like the one that encapsulated Helena’s reverie. While searching the charm Kane happens to see a book that looks identical to the journal Poesy gave him in the police station to journal his thoughts. Kane experiments by writing in this journal and notices that the same phrase ends up in the identical book but written backwards. It turns out that Poesy has been stalking Kane since they first met. In our life we are consistently under surveillance. Cell phones track our daily movements, most devices in our home are linked to the internet and report back to databases our habits and we find ourselves on video at most stores. Surveillance is a fact of life in the 21st century. However our readers may not be too keen on this idea if they have had a rough experience with someone taking advantage of them. As a caregiver, tread lightly, but also shed light on the world we live in. Surveillance is as American as apple pie and you choose to accept it or you try to run from it.
  2. What is/was the greatest responsibility you have been given?
    Caregiver Note: The Others are found by Poesy in her realm and she is very disappointed in them. She is not pleased with how power hungry and judgmental they have become. The Others are not keen on how Poesy conducts her business and they think they can do her job better. This back and forth reminds me of parenting teenagers. You instill values, ideals and skills into their forms of clay, and they believe that they know everything. Our readers may rebel when they don’t believe you are doing a good enough job, and this can be disappointing for caregivers. Some of this can be resolved by coming to common ground and learning that we must still explain ourselves if we want full buy-in from our readers. I am not advocating for a complete equal partnership, but instead it is ideal to talk through major events when they are happening. Your readers do not have to have any control of the outcome but understanding your motives may bridge the gap between a contentious relationship. Teens need as much direction as toddlers, but the directions are more complex and take longer to teach.

Chapter 27

  1. Who is Dean?
    Caregiver Note: The Dreadmare, Poesy’s dog-like henchman, teleported the Others out of Poesy’s lair and back into the real world. Kane lands on a bed and forces the Dreadmare to reveal his identity and it is Dean. Dean tells Kane that the Others are safe for now and tends to his wounds. By now the readers should have suspected this just like Kane did, but it is still fun to confirm your suspicions are true.
  2. How do you deal with someone who is overprotective?
    Caregiver Note: The Others reach out to Kane and have some pretty harsh words for Dean. They believe that Dean kidnapped Kane, but Kane assures them that Dean saved them from Poesy. He transported the entire group out of Poesy’s realm, and he is safe. Ursula and Adeline demand that Dean transport them so they can talk about this and Kane refuses. We all have someone in our lives that is overbearing and overprotective. These people generally mean well, but they rarely understand what is good for us. As caregivers we can be this way to our readers, and it can be a big problem. We need to learn that our readers need space to learn, grow and mess up from time to time. They do not need us to save them all the time! The best thing we can do is to just be there when they screw up and listen to them. Being a shoulder to lean on is so much better than being a helicopter above them constantly!

Chapter 28

  1. How did the Other’s get their power? What power do you think you’d get?
    Caregiver Note: Dean is explaining how the Others came about their powers and why they each got the specific power they got. Poesy has been keeping a close eye on the Others for a while and was able to channel the etherea through them to grant them powers. These powers though are based on fears. Adeline having seen her grandmother lose her memories due to Alzheimer’s, Elliot dealing with his father’s manipulations, and Ursula feeling weak among everyone around her. Poesy grasps onto their pain and uses that to manipulate them. This question might be too deep or introspective for some readers but with others you may be able to use this as a jumping off point. Readers with significant trauma have a lot of pain that comes from different areas so nailing down one major theme can be difficult, but as caregivers we know our readers’ weaknesses and might be able to help them. Recognizing your fears is a great start in overcoming them or learning to live with them.
  2. Why does Poesy need the loom? How would you keep it from her?
    Caregiver Note: Dean tells Kane that Poesy is collecting and harvesting items from reveries to create a new world for herself. In order to weave all the elements together though she needs the loom. This is more imagination questions for your reader. We know that Poesy is all powerful and seemingly all knowing, but the others nearly possessed the loom before and tried to destroy it. What is your reader’s idea on how to keep this dangerous item out of the wrong hands?
  3. When confronted with a hard choice, do you stay and fight or run away?
    Caregiver Note: Kane finally gets more of his backstory before the events of his accident. Dean and Kane were working together to find a loom after Kane forced Dean to spill his mission from Poesy. Kane found a loom in Maxine’s reverie and instead of waiting for Dean he attempted to take the loom himself and that ended with his “accident.” The power was too great, and Kane chose to run from the original task and from his past existence forcing Adeline to wipe his memories away. In the grand scheme of things Kane’s trauma response is to flee. Our readers have their own response and we have covered those before but try to push them a little further. Rephrase the question to show someone in danger or the others are depending on their response. Our brains will sometimes change course if our actions can save others. We forget about the danger and instead focus on the other person or action that needs our help.

Chapter 29

  1. Tell me about a time you were angry at yourself. How did you treat others?
    Caregiver Note: Kane turns his phone back on and finds a flurry of voicemails, texts, and DMs from Sophia and the Others. Another reverie has sprouted up and it is Sophia’s! Kane is not wrought with guilt and pain because his sister is caught up in a reverie and he must keep her safe from Poesy and the reverie. It also appears he is upset with himself for not letting Adeline erase Sophia’s memory or even talk with her about the reverie’s. This pain causes Kane to lash out at Dean and refuse his help. Instead he is going after Sophia alone. We all deal with anger and pain differently. Some of us bottle up the feelings while others push their feelings on those around them. If your readers’ coping skills are not enough to handle their anger you may need to make that the point of this question. If they attack or lash out when angry it can be a clear indication that more intervention is needed. I recommend researching trauma based coping and grounding skills to deal with anger. These can be found on several websites and on YouTube.
  2. Tell me about a time you got someone to talk about themselves.
    Caregiver Note: Kane shows up in Sophia’s reverie to find that she is a renegade in a dystopian city and has taken a prisoner. The prisoner is Adeline and she appears to be playing an integral part to Sophia’s plot. Adeline is able to get Sophia talking and then continues to coerce her into sharing more about her reverie in order to help Kane figure out how to unravel this. As caregivers we are magicians and can generally get our readers talking about their lives with a few subtle sentences. Our readers have this ability as well and it is one that needs to be fostered. Being a great listener and knowing how to carry a conversation is a great skill to master at a young age. Having great communication skills will set you apart from others and as caregivers we need to help our readers develop this skill. So, use your magic and keep them talking!

Chapter 30

  1. Have you ever misjudged someone?
    Caregiver Note: Kane and Adeline are being led into a dork foreboding city by Sophia and Kane is given the command to watch Adeline while Sophia secures a transport of some kind. During this time Kane attacks Adeline about her intentions and attitude and then tries to atone for his behavior by telling her she still looks “pretty.” This attempt at levity backfires because Adeline couldn’t care less about looking a certain way. She is solely focused on helping Sophia and stopping Poesy. Reading people or situations is a skill that many teenagers do not have. They don’t pick up on subtle cues and tend to see situations differently than what they are, or they lean on past experiences to help solve current problems. This can lead to a lot of assumptions and tension. It is a good reminder that assumptions lead to trouble because no two situations are ever the same. Instead of assuming you know the answer, take time to really listen to the problem and then address it.
  2. When was the last time you shared a fear with another person? Who did you talk with?
    Caregiver Note: Before Sophia comes back Kane shares with Adeline that he is scared he will fail again. Adeline assures him that their team will not fail, and they must work together to get everyone out of the reverie safely. Being open about emotions is a difficult thing for many of our readers to do. Fear is even harder to admit because it makes you vulnerable to others. To be able to admit fear you must be confident that the person you are talking with isn’t going to gossip about you and that can be a tough trust to build for foster/adopt readers. The second question is fishing for information if your reader doesn’t tell you who they were talking to. It is a good idea to know who your reader trusts so you can get a full realization of their emotional health and friendships.

Chapter 31

  1. Have you ever felt betrayed? How did you respond?
    Caregiver Note: Sophia leads Kane and Adeline from the city and once they reach their destination she turns her weapon on Kane and immobilizes him. Sophia tells Kane that he has lied to her, hidden things from her and cast her aside when she defended him to their “oppressors”. She isn’t killing him, but instead leaving him for the armies to find him. Sophia’s emotions are real and this is how she has been treated by Kane throughout this ordeal. He has ignored her, lied to her and left her with no hope or answers while fighting invisible forces she couldn’t understand. People act differently when they feel betrayed, some will ignore the betrayer, some attack the betrayer, and others will find subtle ways to get even. Betrayal is inevitable in life. People will let us down if we put our faith in them long enough. Getting past the betrayal is not easy, but it can be a learning experience for our readers. Trust should not come easy and it needs to be earned.

Chapter 32

  1. What do you think Poesy meant about Kane lacking bravado?
    Caregiver Note: Kane used his powers to defend himself against Sophia but ended up intertwining five reveries into one chaotic mess. At this moment Poesy is also summoned and moves to “clean up” the mess the Others had created. Kane’s response to this was to try to punch Poesy which leads to Poesy remarking on his lack of bravado given the immense powers he has. With the context provided I almost think that Poesy is remarking on Kane’s lack of imagination and confidence. He can do some many other-worldly things, but instead tries to punch his way out of the problem. Our readers react the same way in many situations. Instead of using their brains to think through a problem they go with the easiest and often wrong response. We are all run by our emotions and that can be our greatest strength or greatest downfall.

Chapter 33

  1. Do you feel like you “enjoyed” your world?
    Caregiver Note: Kane was literally drop kicked into Poesy’s realm by Ursula and he finds himself alone among the damage caused by a fight between Poesy and Dean. The room reminds Kane of his childhood library, a place where he could go to escape the present world and imagine being in a place where he belonged and was enjoyed by those characters around him. It is common for our readers to feel like they don’t belong in their current world. The life of a foster/adopt reader can be foreign and unnervingly abnormal at times and many of these readers use media to escape to a new place where they can be accepted and fit in. As caregivers we must acknowledge this fear and help our readers find their place in this world. We also must stress that we enjoy them and their presence.
  2. Have you ever done the opposite of your normal?
    Caregiver Note: Kane is trapped in Poesy’s realm and is somewhat resigned to the fact that he will not get out unless Poesy wants him out. Normally this would be something that Kane would accept because he is a runner and wants nothing to with a fight. This time though Kane doesn’t want to run, he doesn’t want to hide, and he doesn’t want to forget. Our readers might be able to relate to Kane here or maybe they can’t yet, but if given the right situation they might. We have discussed our readers as creatures of habit. A fighter can choose to not engage, a freezer can also engage and a runner (or flight) can stand their ground. Remind your readers that even if they make the same choice 100 times, they can make a different choice the 101st time. Sometimes we just need a different motivation to change our course.

Chapter 34

  1. Who or what is Dean actually?
    Caregiver Note: Kane uses Poesy’s dog to find Dean stuck in another reverie. Once Dean is found Kane tends to his wounds in what appears to be a space ship. In the midst of caring for him (there is a bit of sexual humor here) Kane notices that Dean’s eyes are glossed over. This means that Dean is a projection of the Reverie and not a “real” person. Dean reminds Kane that Poesy takes things that are useful from different Reverie’s and Dean was something that she acquired. Since Dean is gay, he would have been killed in his world if Poesy had not taken him with her so he is grateful to her, but also loyal to Kane. There is a lot to unpackage in the relationship between Kane and Dean aside from the overtly romantic behavior and your reader may be quizzical because of the bombshell that this chapter has given us.

Chapter 35

  1. What would you do with the Loom if you had it?
    Caregiver Note: Kane and Dean are approaching earth and the epicenter of Sophia’s reverie. They are discussing life after Poesy and Kane admits that his plan is to kill Poesy to rid her of their lives. Dean is worried because he can live in Kane’s world based on Poesy’s magic and if she is killed Dean may also unravel. Dean instead convinces Kane to use the loom and weave together a world where they could live together, and Poesy could survive. The decision is to either destroy the loom and kill Poesy or use the loom to recreate a new world with Kane being more powerful. On one hand you no longer have the threat of Poesy and the reveries, but on the other you keep your friends safe and save Dean.

Chapter 36

  1. Tell me about the last time you had to fake being happy.
    Caregiver Note: Kane and Dean are once again in Sophia’s reverie and something seems off. On the surface things appear happy and cheery, but Kane can sense that underneath everything there is a smoldering fire that is waiting to erupt from the happy façade. People often put on a “happy face” when dealing with hard personal things and our readers are no different. In order to get them to open up it might be worthwhile to share an experience where you had to put on your brave face in front of a group or a person. We have all done it and some of us do it a lot. Trauma can be a main reason behind “chameleoning” or choosing to be something you are not. The problem is if you do this too often you tend to forget who you are and now you have to try and maintain multiple versions of yourself all at once. People pleaser is a term used often to describe these individuals. If your reader is venturing down this path, remind them that it is ok to be themselves with everyone and those that matter will accept them. Those that don’t will move on and that is ok.
  2. Who is one person who is always looking out for you? How do they show they care?
    Caregiver Note: Kane and Dean approach a battle being fought in the city and they see that it is Ursula and Elliot being forced to fight creatures from Helena’s reverie. Kane immediately wants to jump in and help his friends but Dean, seeing that they are handling themselves well, knows this is a trap to make Kane show himself. Dean forces Kane away using his Dreadmare ability before Kane can interfere. Your reader has many friends, but a best friend may be the only one that can talk them down from a fight or talk them out of a stupid decision. This is a very important person to your reader and to you. As a caregiver you want your reader’s best friend to be a decent person. They are still teenagers and will make bad choices, but you’d appreciate them to have a good head on their shoulders to be a good influence on your reader.

Chapter 37

  1. Has there ever been a time that you lost control?
    Caregiver Note: Kane has been transported to Sophia and witnesses her interrogating Adeline. She is warning Adeline to tell the truth or bad things will happen but is also seen begging the reverie to not hurt Adeline showing Kane that she is no longer in control of the world around her. Teenage readers are great big balls of emotion and sometimes can not keep it all inside. They are also at the point of life where they are unsure what should be kept to themselves and what should be shared. Sometimes it becomes too much, and the emotion or thoughts pour out in a wild melee. Generally, it is like a fire hose of feelings and words that you have to just let run its course, but it is not a great feeling to unburden yourself in the moment. As caregivers, we need to make sure our readers are safe, and we are listening if that is what they need. Unpackaging the diatribe can happen once it is out but let them rant and rave while trying to not interrupt as much as possible.

Chapter 38

  1. What is loom? Is it what you thought it was?
    Caregiver Note: Kane attempts to unravel Sophia’s reverie and it doesn’t go well. He ends up knocking himself out and is approached by Poesy. Poesy goes on a long diatribe asking for the loom before plucking the crownlike device from her wrist and telling Kane that in order to fulfill her goal she needed a great source of power. She needs Kane. He was the linchpin to the whole plan and the time has come.

Chapter 39

  1. What was the last tough decision you had to make?
    Caregiver Note: Kane is brought back into Sophia’s reverie and is greeted by Dean. Dean explains that the crown Kane wears only benefits Poesy if Kane is under her control, but currently Kane is lucid. Dean tells Kane that if he gets the chance to kill Poesy, he must take that chance to save his friends and family. Kane is apprehensive though because this may also cause Dean to fade away. Our teens have tough decisions daily and some may be harder than others. Let them take you down their journey and ask them who they would reach out to for guidance or help if needed. Offer your assistance if the need arises, but don’t seem desperate. It is not a bad thing for your reader to have multiple outlets in case they have specific needs.
  2. What is the most “improbable” thing you have ever done?
    Caregiver Note: In the end, teamwork makes the dream work! Kane convinces Adeline to wipe his memories again and right as she was going to wipe his consciences away completely with a magical blade Kane uses the dream journal to teleport the blade and its power into Poesy with Dean’s help! Poesy is beside herself because this seems like an impossible outcome, but Kane interjects that it was merely improbable. There are many things that seem impossible to our readers, but likely, they are merely improbable or difficult. Try to push them to think about one or two things that were hard, but able to be done and ask them how it made them feel to accomplish a nearly impossible feat!

Chapter 40

  1. What was your favorite “ending”?
    Caregiver Note: Last chapter is a quick one, but A LOT happens. Maxine and Helana are reunited, Dean doesn’t die, Sophia is also unharmed and asks a very interesting question that sums up the last 10 chapters of the book, and the Others once again unravel several Reverie’s while cleaning up the huge mess. Personally, I was happy to see Maxine and Helena get to live together again. That was the most wholesome of the ends and made me smile.

About the Author: Steve Madole

I am an adoptive dad of three boys living near Grand Rapids, MI with my wife, our cats and dog. We also fostered many other children in the last 7 years! I have done many training sessions with the Dr. Karen Purvis Institute and try to keep up on different trauma training’s monthly. My whole family nerds out on comic books, video games, movies and regular books! We often read a lot of the same comics and books which can lead to some awesome conversations!

**Transfiguring Adoption is a nonprofit organization seeking to nurture growth in foster and adoptive families by giving a HOOT about their families. Transfiguring Adoption does not intend for its reviewers nor its review to be professional, medical or legal advice. These reviews and discussion guides are intended to help parents to better be able to connect and understand their children who come from traumatic backgrounds.

Written by
Steve is an adoptive dad of three boys living near Grand Rapids, MI with his wife, his cats and dog. Along with his wife, he has fostered many other children in the last 5+ years! He has completed many trainings with the Dr. Karen Purvis Institute and strives to keep up on different trauma training's monthly. His whole family nerds out on comic books, video games, movies and regular books! His family often reads a lot of the same comics and books which can lead to some awesome conversations!

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