
Overcoming Night Terrors and Bedtime Stress

The first night I was a foster dad was very memorable. I remember being wore out that first day. My wife and I didn’t have children of our own and the five year old girl and 22 month old boy sta...

Thoughts on The Ickabog: Week Six (Chapters 51-58)

Transfiguring Adoption’s Overview: When we left off last week, Daisy and her companions had just stumbled upon the Ickabog and we find out it is real! This week’s chapters focus largely on who t...

Thoughts on the Ickabog- Week Four (Chapters 30-40)

Transfiguring Adoption’s Overview: This week’s chapters again continue to be filled with much despair, but we also see more of Daisy and Bert, our young heroes, and the ways in which they are re...

Thoughts on The Ickabog: Week 3 (Chapters 20-29)

Transfiguring Adoption’s Overview: Whew- the story grows even grim this week and several chapters are extremely full of potential triggers, so I would definitely recommend reviewing the chapters...

Stargirl – Review

Transfiguring Adoption’s Overview: Stargirl is a new Disney Plus original release based on the bestselling YA novel by Jerry Spinelli. It tells the story of Leo and the new kid at school- Stargi...

Super Mario Maker

Grade: Transfiguring Adoption awarded this game 3 Hoots out of 5 based on how useful it will be for a foster/adoptive family. [Learn more about our Hoot grading system here] Game Info: Rating: E ̵...

Sonic the Hedgehog – Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide: Why do you think Sonic lived with Longclaw? Did it seem like Sonic was happy with Longclaw? Caregiver Note: Sonic states that he was raised by Longclaw but does not delve into how he...

Hair Love – Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide: These are just a few questions that can be used to connect with your children after the movie. These questions are not meant to be used in a therapeutic manner, but will help your ch...


Hair Love – Guide

Grade: Transfiguring Adoption awarded this short film 5 Hoots out of 5 based on how useful it will be for a foster/adoptive family. [Learn more about our Hoot grading system here] Movie Info: Rating: ...

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