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  1. Thank you

    • You guys are doing great work!!

  2. This is truly amazing. Glad to support a wonderful cause!

  3. What an amazing idea! Our family is so excited to receive our little owl and “adopt” a family.

    • Very exciting to be just a ‘bit’ in…I enjoy the Monday zooms and energy is HIGH! I believe in uniting the advocates. I am so glad you are honoring the parents and their efforts. I hope to give you some of the Freddy the Foster Frog books to use any way you see fit. Workbooks and frogs go with the book to complete the package.

  4. This is such a great idea and helpful resource!! Thank you!!

  5. What a wonderful thing to do! Thank you!

    • This is much appreciated. With schools being closed and my foster child facing high risk of getting this virus, we cannot afford to leave home or be around other people. I am currently looking into starting a fundraiser or set up some type of foundation that the community can donate materials and services to supply as many foster children as possible with outdoor play equipment to help with the transition and boredom to this new way of life.

      • Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. If you feel led, we would love for you to leave a recommendation on our Facebook page as this helps push out our resources further on social media:

  6. Shout out to swish and flick, an all Potter podcast for letting me know about this website!

  7. We are so excited to get these masks!! What a great idea ?

  8. Love the idea of the Owl-iday Virtual 5K!! I’ll be walking, not running, but my heart is right there with the speedies out there!


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