May is National Foster Care Month and is a time when foster parents are recognized and honored for helping children who are walking through very difficult journey in life. Transfiguring Adoption uses this annual award to help encourage and spotlight a parent(s) who is dedicated to walking children through traumatic times and helping them to better succeed in life.

Please read the nominees’ stories and vote for who you believe should get the title, “Best Foster Parent of the Year,” for 2021.
My mom is the best ever. She fought for me, my sister and brother for years to keep us together and make us safe. We are adopted now, we are where we belong. No matter how had the battle or what battles had been lost, she marched on. My dad got ill years ago. He did suddenly in February. Even though he’s missed every day her love, patience, and daily actions shows us that we were their chosen ones. There is nothing she can’t do.
Ka'Sondra Brown is what she jokingly calls herself a hot mess momma who primary goal in being a parent is to raise kind, hard working children who in turn will grow up and become even kinder productive humans. First hand I see this mother duck lead by example. Being the Pantry and Volunteer Coordinator for a local non-profit, she often has her 2 boys in tow working and volunteering alongside her in various capacities. From serving on local non-profit organization board that fight food insecurities in the community, to advocating for seniors and veteran's. The Bible says "train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it", Proverbs 22:6.
At one time this single momma had 5 males under one roof ages 5 to 17. She has Fostered children who have came straight from the hospital all the way up to 17. In the words of Shalon Thomas "Do it afraid" . Fostering teens is something she swore she would never do. But with encouragement and faith from both the state agency and private agency, She did it! She will ates that it was one of the best decisions she has ever made and that was giving teens a try. Most importantly she feels that the teens did more for her the she thinks she did for them.
I will never know what truly drives Ka'Sondra in her passion of being a foster parent. Maybe it's her own connection of losing her mother at such a young age as 7 and not knowing her biological father, but whatever her personal drive is this advocate for children and personal goal of educating and recruiting homes of color in hopes to build more foster homes is inspiring.
From toteing her boys to Karate, boxing, volunteering, part time jobs after school and weekends, to grandma house for church on Sundays. Ka'Sondra does it with her ponytail high, coffee in hand silly grin on her face. She just does it. Afraid and all. Afraid, that the kids will grow up forgetting how much she loves them, afraid that they will see her imperfection as a parent, but most importantly afraid that she did not do enough in planting the individual seed inside each and everyone of them of how amazing and great they are. That they are more then their situation. They are somebody. They are PHENOMENAL somebodies.
Jenna is selfless and often takes in sibling groups from the most traumatic situations. Her love, patience, and desire to help make the lives better of the children (and anyone for that matter) that enters her home is unmatched.
Christine and her husband David began their journey in the middle of the night, as emergency foster parents to three sisters so that they could stay together. In their blended family, they already had eight grown children (2 of whom were adopted) and 2 biological children still at home. They had plenty of experience, but after retiring early, taking on three more sisters, from a newborn to a teenager, was daunting. They walked into it knowing that it wasn't just for a few days, and that it might become very long term. They have since adopted the oldest, who turned 18 and made the request. All three girls are a welcome, joyful addition to their large family.
Christine and David had retired young and intended to enjoy the freedom that gave them, even with two elementary-aged children along for the ride. Adding three more, one a newborn, put all of their plans on hold. They have approached their changed life with love, perseverance, and the joy that children bring. And are hopeful for the day that their number of children will officially be 13!
Jerrod, a single father, has passion for helping children! He advocates for the educational needs as well as the emotional needs of the child in his care. He recognizes the importance and the value of working with the birth parents and extended family.
Jerrod strives to increase communication with all system partners and is eager to find ways to better the child welfare system.
Hannah Eimers was a young lady who was passionate about orphans and foster children. Her passion was seen through her actions with her own adoptive siblings and her loving advocacy toward children who needed a home. Hannah was tragically killed at the early age of 17 in an automobile accident. Though her life has ended, her passion for helping children from traumatized backgrounds still inspires us and is the reason we will yearly award one parent as The Best Foster Parent in the U.S.
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The Award:
- Special Award Engraved With The Winner’s Name
- Transfiguring Adoption T-shirt

- Nominate a foster parent using the form below.
(Nominations will be accepted through May 15, 2021.)
- Transfiguring Adoption will announce the finalists for the contest on May 17, 2021 via Facebook.
(We will also contact you and the nominee’s agency via the contact information you provide.)
- The public will be allowed to vote for the winner from May 17 – 31, 2021.
(Note: Your written entry will be used for the public to see and vote on.)
- The winner will be announced on June 4, 2021 via Facebook and our monthly E-newsletter.
(Transfiguring Adoption will mail the award to foster agency or nominator to deliver to winner)
Qualities We Would Like To Hear Examples Of:
- Imperfection
No parent is perfect. A great foster parent accepts this, owns up to their mistakes and learns from them.
- Advocacy for Child
Many of us dislike conflict. Many of us have overbooked schedules. Great foster parents will do what it takes for the best interest of their foster child.
- Continued Learning
Parenting a child from a traumatic background is “different” from traditional parenting. A great foster parent is continually trying to learn more about how to help children coping with difficult pasts.
- Change
Along with the qualities of imperfection and a willingness to learn, a great foster parent is going to change how they parent in order to do the best for their child.
- Creative – Think Outside the Box
A great foster parent has tricks up their sleeve. They have special games, activities, or bedtime books that “traditional” parents do not utilize to help their child(ren) to thrive.
Thank You To Our Contributing Businesses:

Transfiguring Adoption is a 501(c)3 organization. This contest/award is only available for residents of the United States. This contest does not discriminate against person due to race, gender, religion, etc. The staff and volunteers of Transfiguring Adoption reserve the right to disqualify a nomination/entry for any reason for which they see fit.