
Captain Marvel Discussion

Discussion Guide:

  1. Would you rather be a member of the Kree or the Skrull? Why?
    Not all questions we ask about movies or other media have to be serious or have an underlying agenda. It’s fun to learn more about other people and learn about their thought processes or likes and dislikes. Simply spend some time with this question learning about your child and their preferences.
  2. Which character from the movie would you most want to hire as your body guard: Nick Fury, Maria, or the Flerken? Why?
    Again this is simply a fun question for your family to learn more about each other.
  3. Carol Danvers didn’t remember anything about her past at the beginning of the movie. How do you think this made her feel? Why do you think that? How did she think or act differently after learning about her past?
    Children from foster care or in an adoptive situation may not know everything about their life with their birth family. You might find that by talking about Carol’s fear and insecurities from an unknown past that your child might have fresh insight into how the character in the movie felt. Naturally, this insight about the character could give you a good indication about how your child feels about their past.
  4. Carol’s mentor, Yon-Rogg, continually is trying to teach Carol to control her emotions? Why does he want her to do this? Are emotions bad? Why or why not?
    So many times foster or adoptive children may hear adults’ disdain for the behaviors they exhibit when they are angry or sad. It can be easy for a child to believe that it is wrong to feel anger, fear, or anything besides happiness. As parents we really hope to see their “negative” behaviors cease and replaced with better forms of communication. These questions are meant to allow a family to discuss how emotions are not bad, but that they must be regulated and expressed in appropriate ways.
  5. Carol had been taught for years that the Skrull were a deathly threat to the entire universe. She decides to fight against the Kree and the Supreme Intelligence when she learns she was told lies. Was it alright for her to do this? Why? Is it ever okay for children to disobey a teacher? a foster or adoptive parent? a caseworker? Discuss your answers.
    It is important for everyone to be able to think for themselves when presented with choices of right or wrong. It can be good to talk with your children (and maybe a bit empowering) to discuss scenarios when they may have to speak against an adult. After all, there are more and more reports in the news of teachers physically taking advantage of students, and there have always been reports of foster parents genuinely abusing children in their care. This question allows you to talk with kids about when it is good to follow the adults and when they might need to seek out other adults for help.
  6. Carol was trying to figure out who she was in the movie. Characters like Yon-Rogg, the Supreme Intelligence, and Maria along with her daughter all tried to tell Carol about who she was. Which characters helped Carol? Which characters should Carol have ignored?
    We learn more about ourselves when we listen to what others have to say about us. However, we have to learn whose words we should trust – those that are close to us, know us and care for us.
  7. Who are people that can tell you about yourself? Who are people that you should simply ignore when they talk about you?
    Foster and adoptive children often times want to be accepted by peers. This could lead them to take too much stock in the word of acquaintances at school or other social settings. This question should spark a conversation where families explore how we trust the words of people who are closest to us and don’t whole heartedly take in the word of acquaintances.
  8. Carol followed Mar-Vell on a dangerous mission because Mar-Vell led her to believe that lives were at stake. Carol herself did not have a positive relationship with her parents and had a rough time growing up. Why would Carol risk her life for other people?
  9. Are there people in your school or community that have a rough life? How do you know? Could your family do something to help them?
    It can be easy for any of us to look inward to a point where we can only see our problems. If we spend too much time only with our own problems they can begin to seem gigantic. It can be good for your family to remember other people who are having a difficult life and possibly discuss how you might be of assistance. Not only can this put our own problems into perspective but get our mind off of our own issues for a bit.
  10. How was Carol different at the beginning of the movie as opposed to the end of the movie? What caused this change? What can we learn from Captain Marvel?

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Transfiguring Adoption is a nonprofit organization seeking to nurture growth in foster and adoptive families by giving a HOOT about their families. Transfiguring Adoption does not intend for its reviewers nor its review to be professional, medical or legal advice. These reviews and discussion guides are intended to help parents to better be able to connect and understand their children who come from traumatic backgrounds.


Written by
Co-founder and President of Transfiguring Adoption. Darren is a graduate of Illinois State University where he studied fine art. He offers foster and adoptive parents over a decade of experience in parenting foster and adoptive children, as well as his introductory to counseling training. Darren is the author of the "A Guide to Magical Creatures Around Your Home," book series. [email protected] LinkedIn: Book series:

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